This event is free and will include a meal at the conclusion
Brother Garrick Cook of the Laurel, MD Church of Christ will be teaching us from the above theme. Bro. Cook is a gifted, teacher and preacher of God's word that will help us to embrace the mind of Christ. We will have a Sister's component to this program featuring several women speakers including Sis. Deanna Cook from Laurel, MD. The Ladies will be speaking on the theme "Spiritual Lives Matter" and they will take a look at some of the unnamed women of the Bible.
Please have your congregation's register via the below eventbrite link. This is an event that will be a source of encouragement for both men and women. I look forward to the fellowship. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Norman J. Nuton Jr.
Ministering Evangelist
New Haven Church of Christ
Please register for this event at : http://strivetoimitatejesus.